USAV/AAU Coach Corner

The Volleyball Lineup sheet is what you will use and provide to the scoring table at each match in every tournament.
The Libero Tracking sheet is only used when a team is running a Libero.
The Volleyball Score sheet is what is used in every match at every tournament. Parents are responsible of knowing how to maintain a scoring sheet as AAU tournaments use parent volunteers for this job.
This will be the system used for paying for tournaments.
This Line Judge training video is great for players and parents to watch as they will be required to line judge at AAU tournaments.
AAU Coach MeetingĀ

On the Indoor Scorers webpage under "Lineup and Libero Control Sheets" You will find all the PDF's needed for lineups and libero control.
On the USAV Coach Tools webpage you will find videos, practice drill ideas, and additional resources to widen your coaching knowledge bank.
This is the form you will want to fill out for CVA to register you for the bigger travel tournaments.